LRAP NYC application procedure for landlords

What is Landlord Rental Assistance Program(LRAP)

Landlord Rental Assistance Program(LRAP) is a program designed to provide rental assistance for landlord and property owner that has a tenant who is not want to apply for the Emergency Rental Assistance Program(ERAP) and in the category of the qualified household that is struggling in their rentals because of financial difficulty brought about by COVID-19, and are been confronted with homelessness and housing instability. Landlords approved for LRAP may receive up to 12 months of rental arrears payments

What are the eligibility requirements for NY LRAP?

  • The landlord that is in New York is eligible for LRAP if they the meet required criteria:
  • The tenant left an apartment with rental arrears or they are not willing to apply for ERAP and the landlord has urged them to apply at least thrice, and in writing twice.
  • The rental amount is at or below  150 percent of the Fair Market rent (FMR) in their residence. The limit is based on the county and the number of bedrooms of the apartment.
  • The landlord has the proper record for the arrears owned on or after the 1st of March, 2020.

During the first 45 days of the LRAP program, the landlord that owns a building with 20 or lesser apartment unit are given priority. Thereafter, all eligible landlord’s applications will be on a first-come-first-served basis in as much as there are funds marked for the program available.

Landlords and owners of units where the current or former tenant household’s rent is limited to a percentage of household income may apply for assistance, but the application will not be assessed for eligibility until all other applications have been considered and will receive assistance only to the extent funds remain available.

Information landlords must be provided when applying

  • The w-9 tax form must be filled with the information of the landlord or owner online on the LRAP portal.
  • Proof of Ownership will be uploaded on the LRAP portal account of the landlord
  • Executed lease with the tenant in concern and if there is no lease pen down, they will need to provide a cancelled check, fund transfer evidence or other documentation of the last full monthly rental. The unit address, tenants on the lease, monthly rental obligation, and a signature will also need to be uploaded to the LRAP application portal
  • Unpaid rent due documentation of the tenant’s monthly rent confirmation form or ledger identifying the rental amount due by month must be uploaded. Note: Non-rent payments e.g. late fees or parking fees should not be included.
  • Banking details: direct deposit information will be filled on the owner account on the LRAP portal

Terms and conditions landlords must agree to when applying

  • The landlord must also sign an agreement to the terms below as a condition for receiving rental arrears on behalf of the tenant:
  • LRAP payment meets the tenant’s arrears obligation for the time covered by the payment
  • Will waive any late fees due on rental arrears covered by LRAP payment
  • Will not increase the monthly rental amount above the monthly amount due at the time of applying for the program for the month’s assistance is received and for the next year of the Emergency Rental Assistance Program payment.
  • That they have contacted a current tenant household at least three times, two in writing, to encourage participation in ERAP
  • That they are not going to evict the household the ERAP payment is made for the reason of an expired lease or holdover tenancy for one year from the receipt of the ERAP payment. A special case shall be made if the dwelling unit contains four or fewer units and the landlord’s immediate family members intend to use the accommodation immediately.


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